What's a "HANJAPA"?

To put it simply, "Hanjapa" are half Japanese, half something else. We are seen as 変な日本人 because we have lived abroad, and we just have that foriegn influence. We are not fully Japapnese, or fully that other something. And because we are in this in-between place, the stuff that we do seems weird to others and vice versa.

*Please know that we are not trying to sterotype or offend anyone. We are only trying to express the way we see culture.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Gyaru Cases

Gyaru Cases: life is a party

Gyaru Profile

Where you can find one:Shibuya 109
How they look like:bright brown/ blond hair, very tan, tons of makeup, colorful nails
How to interact with them:use gyarugo

Case 1: Gyarus have their own language called "gyarugo"
Case 2: Gyarus can do パラパラ
Case 3: Cell phones are their best friends
Case 4: Gyarus have gyaruo as their boyfriends

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